
Crushing seeds with a mortar and pestle.This website is an online directory for local farms and ranches in and around Kamloops, BC. The How To Use tab explains our terms and how to use the directory. If you are looking for BC sources for heritage breeds or heirloom seeds, contacts are listed in the Seeds & Breeds section.

If you know about a local rancher or farmer who is not listed here, please contact us. Size is not important. We list everyone and we list for free!

If you are interested in contributing to our Blog, contact me at: info(a)eatkamloops.org.

eatkamloops.org is committed to helping our community:

  • discover local, healthy food sources
  • learn about traditional foods and food preparation
  • encourage the cultivation of heirloom seeds and heritage breeds
  • become aware of regional and national food security issues
  • lobby for freedom in food preparation and commerce

Local Farmers & Ranchers in the Kamloops Region ? FREE Download

In June 2011 we completed two PDF files called Local Farmers & Ranchers in the Kamloops Region. These PDF files give you all the information about our local farms and ranches in an easy to read format. There are two options available for free download:

Easy Printing Option: The first option is a standard letter size format (8.5″ x 11″) and is easy to print, but uses more paper. There are 19 pages printed on one side.

Local Farmers & Ranchers in the Kamloops Region, Version 1

Booklet Printing Option: The second option is a booklet format, printed on 11″ x 8.5″ paper. It uses ten sheets, but you need to know how to print on both sides of a page using your home printer. Print page 1 then print page 2 on the back of the first sheet. Continue like this until you have printed all 20 pages on 10 sheets of paper. When all the printing is done, you fold the pages in half and staple. In the end you will have a booklet that conveniently fits into a purse.

Local Farmers & Ranchers in the Kamloops Region, Version 2


All content on eatkamloops.org is part of the Creative Commons (CC). This means eatkamloops.org gives you the right to use and share the otherwise copyrighted content on this site. We just ask that you attribute the work to eatkamloops.org.